Pack Airzone RadianT365 output - wireless interfaces with Webserver

Reference AZRA6BFSRW
Pack Airzone RadianT365 Output - wireless interfaces with Webserver.
- 1x Airzone RadianT main board AZRA6RADIANT.
- 1x Airzone radiant control module AZRA6OUTPUT8Z.
- 1x Airzone Blueface color thermostat wired AZRA6BLUEFACEC B/N.
- 1x Webserver AZX6WSCLOUDDIN [C/R].
- Airzone Lite wireless thermosts AZRA6LITER B/N.
- Control and management of the thermostats up to 8 zones.
- Communication with units of integral control of the installation.
- Communications with other external control systems through integration bus.